Business Documents

Freelancer Agreement


A freelancing Agreement is an agreement between a freelancer and an employer that clearly states the job, its term, compensation and other mutual agreements.

₹ 2499

Articles of Association


The Articles of Association is a document that contains the purpose of the company as well as the duties and responsibilities of its members defined and recorded clearly.

₹ 4899

Consultancy Agreement


A Consultancy Agreement is an agreement between a consultant and an employer. It is an oral agreement brought in writing mentioning the job requirements, time for completion etc.

₹ 1399

Contractual Appointment


A contract appointment is an appointment established at a fixed or variable percentage of time for a definite period of time. Terms and conditions of employment are specified in a written employment contract.

₹ 2199

Customised Agreement or Contract


Couldn’t find what you were looking for? Get any Customised Agreement / Contract. Simply pay and we shall get back to you for further details.

₹ 2199

Employment Contract


An employment contract is an agreement between an employer and employee that sets out terms and conditions of employment.

₹ 1399

Employment Agreement


It is an agreement specifying terms and conditions under which a person consents to perform certain duties as directed and controlled by an employer in return for an agreed upon wage or salary.

₹ 2199

Franchise Agreement


The franchise agreement is the written contract between the franchisor and franchisee. It is the fundamental legal document upon which the franchisor-franchisee relationship is based.

₹ 3499

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